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Can I drink lemongrass everyday? - Nepal Tea

Can I drink lemongrass everyday?

Before talking about the benefits and harms of lemongrass, it is crucial to actually know what lemongrass even is. 

What is Lemongrass?

Lemongrass is a tall perennial fragrant tropical grass that yields an oil that smells of lemon. The plant is native to tropical and sub-tropical climates of Asia, Australia, and Africa. It is often used as flavorings in food and beverages. 

Medicinal benefits of lemongrass

Animal research conducted in 2020  found that lemongrass tea helped develop an excellent antidiabetic effect in Type 2 Diabetic models. 

Even though there isn’t much research being done on its impact on humans, lemongrass tea is commonly used in Asian households as an alternative to regular milk tea. This is believed to have a more positive effect on the body. 

Lemongrass tea is often served to the elder members of the family dealing with blood pressure and sugar problems. When added to a regular routine, the drink is believed to aid the body heal. 

According to research conducted on the effect of lemongrass tea on cardiovascular conditions in 2013, it was even suggested that antioxidant properties present in lemongrass might prevent endothelial dysfunction associated with an oxidative imbalance. 

How can I introduce lemongrass into my routine? 

While you can grow lemongrass right in your backyard, in a small pot on your windowsill or pick up a fresh bundle of lemongrass from your local farmers' market, the most convenient way for you to buy and store fresh lemongrass is for long-term use is to get organic, chamber-dried lemongrass. For a fresh, vibrant flavor with a delicious citrusy punch, try Nepal Tea Collective's organic lemongrass. 

There are a lot of options available when it comes to lemongrass. The easiest and most natural way to add a little zest to your routine is to introduce lemongrass to your cuisines. 

Cut up the green stalks and sprinkle them on top of your dinner and let the citrusy aroma add a bit of oomph to your experience. You can also make the addition earlier during the preparation section with dried lemongrass leaves and use it as other spice flakes. 

With a lot of benefits promised, you might also find different varieties of condiments that will include lemongrass. One of them being lemongrass oil. The sweet citrusy aroma makes for this herb product to be a great addition to the skincare routine. 

But of course, you’ve come to a tea blog, so we must recommend you lemongrass as a tea. 

This light sweet flavored drink allows one to embrace the morning softly. With zero caffeine, this brew will not rush you to start the day but keep you present in the moment. There are no overwhelming flavors trying to fight for your attention, just a simple sweet fruity taste that keeps you grounded. 

Should you drink lemongrass tea every day? 

Even though our first instinct is to say a big yes, this potent herb is still under-researched. Many of the research available are yet to be peer-reviewed and cross-examined. 

Lemongrass is a very common herb in Asian countries like Nepal. Especially during the recent times when terrace farming is growing, you’ll find lemongrass plants in many households, if not all. 

But we still recommend you take it slow. Take notes of how your body feels after each drink. If you have any specific medical condition that you want the drink to tackle, then take notes of your bodily and emotional changes. 

We always recommend a diet change in collaboration with a nutritionist or a general physician. Even though tea is a great source of antioxidants and polyphenols, we don’t know your body. You and your doctors do! 

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