How to Brew Green Tea

Many tea drinkers love Green Tea for its plenty of health benefits that are extensively backed by research. However, when it comes to brewing green tea, many tea lovers can falter, because they find green tea tricky to make well. We got you -- in this blog, we'll give you a complete guide on how to brew green tea, including how long you're supposed to steep it, how much green tea leaves you should use, and even how you can cold brew your green tea. 

How to Brew Green Tea

How to Brew Green Tea Bags:

To brew the perfect cup of delicious hot green tea, you’ll first of all need to pay attention to the type of green tea you have bought.

If your green tea comes in a flat tea bag, chances are the leaves are low-grade, dust or tannings. These types of leaves are unrefined and many contain high levels of tannins, giving you weak, astringent and bitter flavors. 

For green tea like this, it's best to wait for five to seven minutes after your kettle has boiled. Leave the lid of your kettle open so that steam can escape and your water can cool down quicker. Steep your tea bag in a cup of cooled-down water for three to four minutes to get the flavor of green tea while avoiding its bitter tannins! 

How to Brew Dried Green Tea Leaves: 

If you’re just getting into Green tea, we recommend you start with a pack of loose-leaf green tea. We'll teach you how to brew the green tea! 

Your green tea doesn’t have to be top of the line, you don’t have to get the finest Sencha right of the most prestigious farms in Japan! However, selected a good, loose-leaf green tea that suits your budget and has the flavor notes you prefer can go a long way! Browse our green tea collection here.

Instructions on how you can brew dried loose leaf green tea into a delicious, steaming cup usually come printed on your package of green tea, and brewing instructions can change depending on your variety of green tea. For example, Sencha mixed with matcha powder will be different than pure Sencha leaves. However, here are some general instructions on brewing dried loose leave green tea: 

The next thing you’ll need to pay attention to is the temperature of your water. Green tea leaves are lightly processed, meaning that the leaves undergo very little oxidation. The leaves tend to be on the more delicate side than black teas or some darker Oolongs.

Therefore, extremely hot water, or water at boiling temperatures, which you can use for darker teas, might burn your tea leaves, and cause them to release more tannins and caffeine into your brew. This combination will make your tea taste extremely bitter, overriding the more nuanced, subtle and complex flavors of your green tea. With this in mind, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Scoop to measure out your green tea leaves. 
  • Fresh, filtered water. 
  • Tea pot and Strainer, or Tea Infuser, and your favorite tea cup. 
  • Kettle. 


 Step 1: Boil A Kettle of Filtered Water 

Using tap water to brew your teas can affect the taste of your tea because of the minerals and other impurities present in the water. While brewing teas, its best to use filtered water, or spring water. After boiling the water, allow the water to cool for five to seven minutes, until your water is around 160 F. 

Step 2: Measure Out Your Green Tea Leaves: 

Use two gms, which is approx two scoops, of dry green tea leaves to make a pot of green tea. If you have a tea scoop in this size, simply scoop out your leaves into your strainer, and fit your strainer into you tea pot. 

Usually, the tea pot you buy will come with a strainer. If your tea pot is missing a strainer, you can also buy one separately here, or any tea shop near you! 

If you're using an infuser ball to make a single cup of green tea, fill the scoop of the infuser with a pinch of dry tea leaves and place it into your tea cup. 


Step 3: Pour Your Water Over Your Dry Leaves: 

Pour the hot water over the tea leaves. Let the water pass through the strainer and fill up the tea pot, ensuring that the tea leaves are fully submerged.

Make sure you place the lid back on the tea pot, so that the essential oils of the tea coats the lid of the pot and releases and delicious green tea aroma when your tea is done brewing! 

Step 4: Let your Green Tea Leaves Brew: 

The steeping time depends on the type of green tea. Generally, steeping for 2-3 minutes is suitable for most green teas.

To get the full range of flavors of your green tea without an excess of bitter tannins, make sure you don't over-steep your teas. So its best to set a timer for three minutes so that you don't forget about your tea! 

After 3 minutes, remove your strainer with the wet tea leaves from your tea pot. Your tea leaves should now have fully unfurled, and your tea should be a pale or green liquor. 

Step 5: Pour and Enjoy! 

Your green tea is now ready to be enjoyed. You can drink it as is or add honey, lemon, or other flavorings according to your preference.

 Additional Tips:


# Consider using a transparent teapot to appreciate the color of the tea.

# Store your green tea leaves in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness.

How to Brew Green Tea

How to Cold Brew Green tea:

Cold Brewing Green Tea can be an incredible way to make a delicious cup of iced green tea while getting the full impact of green tea's benefits. This is because Cold Brew Green tea uses a lot more dried green tea leaves, and is brewed for much longer. 

Here's What You'll Need: 

  • Dried Green Tea Loose Leaves 
  • Cold Brew Bottle 
  • Filtered or Spring Water 
  • Fridge 
  • Strainer 
  • Chilled Glass 

Step 1: Pour Dry Green Leaves into Your Bottle 

Fill 1/4 of your cold brew bottle with green tea leaves. 

Step 2: Fill Up Your Cold Brew Bottle 

Fill your cold brew bottle all the way with cold or room temperature filtered/spring water, and tightly screw the lid. 

Step 3: Let Your Cold Brew Green Tea Chill 

Leave your cold brew bottle in the fridge overnight.

If you've used a whole lot of tea leaves (half a bottle), you can check on your cold brew in a few hours. If the color of your brew has become markedly green, your cold brew might be ready. 

Step 4: Pour and Enjoy 

If your cold brew bottle doesn't come with a strainer, use a separate strainer to pour out a glass of your cold brew green tea. Enjoy! 

Additional tips: 

You can also add rosemary, slices of lime, cucumber, or any herbs or spices you like to taste. Make sure you don't add too many herbs and spices, so as to not overwhelm the flavors of the green tea. 

# Chill your glass for 15 to 30 minutes in your refrigerator for a truly refreshing cold brew green tea experience!  


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